Business English

"English is the predominant business language." Rob Marr

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  • Online, On-site, One to One
  • Academy Business
  • Duration 1 week
  • Location London, Riyadh
  • Course Ref BUS-2

This course combines specialised classes in International Business English communication skills and concepts with general English language skills.

This course will give participants the English skills they need to work effectively in today’s global marketplace.

English skills and vocabulary are developed through exercises, case studies, role plays, and research on business topics, including I.T., finance, accounting, marketing, advertising, sales, negotiation, business practices, and cultural comparisons in business operations and appropriate grammar


In this course, participants will learn the following:

  • to communicate with others in practical, business-oriented situations
  • to express themselves in English with greater fluency, accuracy and confidence
  • to handle themselves in English in a variety of business contexts, from negotiating to using the
  • telephone, to making presentations, to socialising

The Contents:


  • Course outline and approach
  • Describing your role and responsibilities
  • Typical & critical scenarios you use the target language in, key issues


  • Chairing, setting the agenda, controlling the conversation
  • Participating, turn-taking, listening and taking notes
  • Being diplomatic, agreeing and disagreeing

Business Correspondence

  • Emails – register, style, standard phrasing
  • Notes and memos
  • Business-specific language phrases


  • Checking & clarifying information
  • Finance-specific scenarios
  • Listening to different accents, intonation

Making Presentations

  • Introducing a topic effectively
  • Linking and sequencing ideas
  • Concluding
  • Responding to questions

Process Management

  • Describing processes, cause and effect
  • Criticising, recommending
  • Quality assurance, continuous improvement


  • Critical negotiating language, framing your argument
  • Negotiating with suppliers
  • Negotiating with customers

Social English

  • The first five minutes
  • Speed networking – the elevator pitch
  • Small talk, turn-taking
  • Business conventions

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