Marketing strategy

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself." Peter Drucker

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  • Online, On-site, One to One
  • Academy Marketing
  • Duration 1 week
  • Location London, Riyadh
  • Course Ref MAR-3


  • Apply a logical step-by-step process to produce a sound marketing plan.
  • Devise a marketing plan that builds on marketing audit findings.
  • Use marketing audit findings to identify effective strategies and tactics.
  • Develop the components of the strategic marketing plan.
  • Identify and implement marketing warfare strategies (offensive, defensive and flanking).


The Marketing Concept

  • Scope and Functions
  • A New Approach to Marketing
  • Competitive Pressures Changing the World
  • The Smart Bomb Strategic Approach

The Marketing Planning Process

  • The Benefits of Planning
  • The Marketing Plan Format
  • The Marketing Planning Process
  • Setting S.M.A.R.T Objectives and Goals
  • Linking the Marketing Strategy to the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the Company

The Business Situation Analysis

  • Understanding the Framework for Competitive Analysis
  • Competitive and Customer Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis
  • SWOT and TOWS Analysis
  • Portfolio Analysis and Design (The Boston Consulting Group Matrix)

Planning Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

  • Basis for Segmentation
  • Benefits of Segmentation
  • The Market Segmentation Process
  • Effective Positioning
  • Creating a Powerful Value Proposition

Strategy Development

  • Considering Different Strategic Alternatives (TOWS Analysis)
  • Analyzing Different Marketing Strategies
  • The Growth Strategy Matrix
  • Factors Shaping the Choice of Strategy
  • Blue Ocean versus Red Ocean Strategies

Tactical Planning Applications

  • Setting the Scene: The Marketing Mix
  • The Components of the Marketing Mix
  • Using The Marketing Mix Model

Putting It All Together

  • Writing Your Own Marketing Plan Online

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